Health is everybody’s business: Improving health outcomes across the Loddon Campaspe region – the ‘heart’ of Victoria.
Stemming from a series of Assemblies facilitated by Liminal by Design and held by the Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership, it became clear that the fact that the region has higher rates than the Victorian average of obesity, chronic disease, disability and high-risk health behaviours such as smoking was a concern for the community.
Through a further series of workshops following the assemblies, a three part response was developed: The Healthy Heart of Victoria initiative.
So how to secure funding for such an important project? By presenting factual information in a highly visual, positive and impactful way, ensuring cut-through for decision makers, the project was successful in securing crucial funding to progress towards implementation.
Further collateral has been developed throughout the progression of the initiative. The Framework brochure lays out the strategic direction and function of the three elements of the Healthy Heart of Victoria project, together with the overarching Governance Structure. The impact infographic shows the impact of the initiative so far, while outlining the further opportunities for progression, given future investment.
ClientRegional Development Victoria + Liminal by DesignServicesConceptual | Design | Infographic