The 5 Ws
Why | Who | What | When | Where
The working practice of Intent Creative is exactly that – intentional, insightful and creative. To achieve a successful result to a strategic or creative challenge takes depth, curiosity, and groundwork. Digging deep to uncover valuable insights.
This in-depth method of discovery and strategy sets a solid foundation for building truly effective strategies and intelligently executed creative work.
First: Explore + assess
Discovery and research
Crucial to the commencement of any project.
Brand audit
How cohesive is your brand? Deep dive into all the facets that make up a brand.
Visual brand audit
You have the foundations & some elements, but you'd like to see if everything is working together.
Competitor audit
Where do you sit in your market?
Research interviews
What does your community say about you?
Brand intensive
Intensive workshop to set the foundations for a rock-solid brand that truly reflects your service.
Next: Foundation building
Brand strategy
Setting out the framework for a cohesive, well structured & strategic brand.
Why are you different? Why should people care? Clarifying your positioning acts not only to aid this, but also as a guiding light for communication.
Naming workshops backed by thorough research processes to ensure your name resonates, is appropriate, available and truly represents your offerring.
Project management
An extra set of hands. At times of transformation, it can be difficult to keep track of all the moving parts. In these instances, project management services can provide a valuable and efficient way to achieve your goals.
Then: Execution
Creative direction
Working with teams to create, plan and deliver your strategic vision.
Identity design
Bringing your brand to life and creating an iconic presence.
Identity systems
Supporting your identity with a suite of elements that work together to create a unified and consistent presence.
Physical and digital collateral
Online and offline, from emails to social to brochures and reports, highly-executed collateral brings all the strategy and foundation work to life, and is an essential part of connecting with your audience.
And: Beyond
Ensuring continuity post-launch. Brand consultation and creative direction offered as an ongoing, advisory service.
Building skills for those that will continue to nurture your brand.
Providing mentoring to build skills, educate and inspire.
Staff engagement.
At times of transition, providing resources to help ease the path for change managers.